All About Love...

All the great sages have agreed that first love is divine law that man must follow to be in harmony with himself, with others and the universe. So it is important to remember that love is always first divine law.

LOVE, as a wise understand is action to be a source of sublime happiness and fulfillment, in the same space with other beings, which means that love is real, as real as ourselves. Love, then, is not an abstract idea or concept intellectually sterile, but is experienced as something divine, ineffable, which is manifest ultimately, with our whole being dilated in boundless.

Everywhere in the universe is conscious and being able to take, how aware their own decisions. Universal Cosmic Love never loses control: its laws are equally logical, accurate and implacable as the laws of physics. It is a mystery and therefore can not say at this stage of our evolution that we have full knowledge of these laws. And yet, to a certain level of spiritual evolution, everyone gets to know that in any case exactly what we all deserve. Therefore, since we give more love, the more love we receive, and often do to welcome the Divine generosity of thousands of times more than we offer.
This is the law, and as Jesus said: "Love much and much will be loved."

Perhaps many of us are not satisfied with the level that exist in the universe, but in reality, we are here after our free decision of our expansion in love or we withdraw from her suspicious. Brain and body that you currently have, family, society, historical moment in which you were born, however, and many others were caused by your actions prior to yourself, your degree of expansion, as much you wanted or you want to love. No you did nothing wrong, no one has punished by accident, no one forced you. Everything is up to you. The experience that you live every second, there is absolute justice. Nothing is hidden, nothing is lost, nothing is forgotten, no one is ever abandoned.

Love is something euphoric, you're doing, first, for yourself, without making the results to be selfish and live within, directly proportional to your own experiences. Any such information is continuously in space and does not need books to be known or to act. She is always able potential, even you.

Mystery of love is beyond reason: you know that we are all equal in potential, that really needs no help from anybody, nobody needs to be told or be given something, because at potential level, everyone always has everything they need, and, however, make the most selfless and compassionate act of one is offering, through love, your brothers and sisters, everything is better and more beautiful you. Thus, passing to others at the appropriate moment, what you have received and when necessary.

The universe as we perceive it from the level at which we may be considered illusory, or, rather, partially true, and that is why we have more than one reason for him to enjoy the of detached and disinterested love, rather than ourselves foolishly frightened and enslaved by our own imagination, which, when not fully controlled, we always hide more essential aspects of universal manifestation. Everything happens instantly finds its reflection on Earth on any vibration levels from the higher level until the lowest. Thus, any action we take changes, more or less deep, at absolutely all levels macrocosm event. We therefore completely free to do to prevail in our being any of these levels. This should not change anything, only we focus our attention and intense love gloss.

Whatever you do, that you love doing it. Whatever you think, because you think he loves it. Love is the only dimension to be amplified and refined. And if you're not sure or do not know what it means to really love you, love you with all my heart that not yet know what love is. There is nothing more important in this universe than infinite love which conscious beings manifests seconded one another, in full freedom, without possessiveness or jealousy.

You will not be able to overcome, irreversible, your current dominant vibrational level, you will not learn until you really love yourself or, in other words, you fully accept the way you are NOW.

Whatever your spiritual level, wherever you are in the universe, your choice is always the same: to get your expansion or contraction of consciousness. And, always, must start right from where you are. If you are aware, there is nothing wrong with being where you are - this is just one of countless experiences that you are available to improve yourself, depending on your aspirations or your inner level. What you are, and I can be, what I am, you can be and tu.Ceea I am today, you will be undoubtedly in the near future.

Everything we do is reflected faithfully in ourselves, even when they cease to act, that act is a reflection Impress forever in November, causing a response somewhat similar, sooner or later, therefore, often not must be resisted, but to transcend, as the resistance means non-acceptance, leading to contraction, while transcending means accepting session, embed, leading to expansion. Opposing it, get involved and often suffer when, transcenzând, detach yourself and find happiness.

Lorber J.
